NSS/SCfPE Collaboration


Register your interest here! 


Carolyn Forsyth

Carolyn is a GP, practicing in NHS Highland with a specialist interest in Long COVID. Carolyn is also a member of the National Strategic Network for Long COVID.  

Carolyn will be joined by Jane Ormerod who led our mixed ECHO group last year. Jane is a retired nurse and consultant who is also chair of a national Long COVID charity as well as being a member of the strategic network. 

About this ECHO programme?

COVID changed the landscape for everybody. The emergence of prolonged symptoms presents a new challenge for the public and professionals with so much still to be understood. 

These ECHO sessions will allow primary and secondary care professionals to collaborate in an 'all teach, all learn' forum, to further understand commonly reported symptoms, explore good practice and consider how this will improve outcomes for patients. 

There are no easy answers, and new learning is emerging all the time. However, there are some recurrent themes, and we have prioritised specific topics to be presented by subject experts. 

The Scottish Centre for Project ECHO (SCfPE) has been collaborating with NHS National Services Scotland (NSS) and Scottish Government partners to explore ECHO methodology as a tool for future learning. The inception of this programme was driven by the work within the National Strategic Network for Long Term Effects of COVID-19.  

As a result of this ECHO network, we would hope that participants will have:

  • Improved knowledge to identify symptoms.
  • Increased confidence to respond to complexity. 
  • Improved insight into how practice could develop further within their own locale.   

Who is it for?

This ECHO programme is for GPs working for NHS Scotland or national and local government.

Format of the ECHO Network 

The ECHO community of practice will be led by a facilitator Each ECHO session is comprised of a brief presentation (generally 15-20 minutes), followed by a short Q&A. 

During the rest of the session, participants in the virtual network will present real patient/system cases for discussion and recommendations from the network and expert team. 

The community of practice aims to create a safe enjoyable space for learning. The sessions operate an "all teach, all learn" ethos with participants playing an active part in the learning created by bringing case presentations to share. You can read more about participation in ECHO here.

The programme is currently being finalised and details will appear here.

22 January
1:00pm - 2:00pm

Supporting mental health aspects of complex medical conditions including long COVID

Dr Nadine Cossette, Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist at Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh

05 February
1:00pm - 2:00pm

Vocational rehabilitation in complex post viral conditions including long COVID

Professor Ewan MacDonald

19 February
1:00pm - 2:00pm

Supporting neurological complexity in post viral conditions including long COVID

Professor Alan Carson, Consultant Neuropsychiatrist

05 March
1:00pm - 2:00pm

Speech and language issues in post viral conditions including long COVID

Moira Sidney, NHS Lanarkshire

Register to attend

Please fill out this form to register your interest in the upcoming meeting along with future Long COVID ECHO sessions.

If you have difficulties using this form, or you would like more information before you register, please contact us directly at info@echo.scot.

There is no charge for ECHOs - they are free to attend.

Please use your NHS or organisation email if possible
Company name or parent organisation that you work for
Your job role within your organisation
Postcode of your regular workplace
Share your account name to keep in touch with us @HHProjectECHO (optional)

Some of these programmes are suitable for different discplines and some are relevant to a particular field of practice. If you are unsure about whether it suits your needs, please contact us at echo@highlandhospice.org.uk

Please read the Project ECHO Privacy Notice, which is linked below, and confirm your agreement as appropriate.

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