15 January 2025

Long COVID GPs ECHO is starting soon

A series of virtual educational sessions centered around long COVID will begin from Wednesday, 22nd January

The events, hosted by the Scottish Centre for Project ECHO (SCfPE), will take the format of ‘all teach, all learn’ forums.  

Targeted at GPs working for NHS Scotland or with local or national government, each session will begin with a short presentation from the event facilitator. From there participants in the sessions will be invited to share and discuss real patient and system cases.  

These cases will assist participants to further understand commonly reported symptoms, explore good practice and consider how this will improve outcomes for patients.  

The first of these sessions, taking place on Wednesday 22nd January, is titled Supporting mental health aspects of complex medical conditions including long COVID and will be facilitated by Dr Nadine Cossette, Consultant Liaison Psychiatrist at Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh.  

Sessions then run once a fortnight until early March and will look at topics including speech and language issues and vocational rehabilitation. 

This educational programme follows a successful pilot run by SCfPE alongside NHS National Services Scotland in 2024.  

To read more about the full programme and to register, click the link below

Register for the programme here!