NHS Dumfries and Galloway

Care Homes ECHO Dumfries and Galloway

After a successful set of sessions last year, ECHO for Care Homes in Dumfries and Galloway is running for another four sessions.


Jamie Learmont

Jamie Learmont

Jamie is the clinical educator for Care Homes in Dumfries and Galloway. 

Jamie joins a small group of his colleagues who have previously facilitated ECHO communities of practice across diabetes and palliative care.     

Why Care Homes ECHO in Dumfries and Galloway ?


The aim of this project is to deliver a variety of education that is accessible for care home staff throughout Dumfries and Galloway. This Care Homes ECHO is part of a group of four areas that were initially chosen for a pilot within the My Health, My Care, My Home framework. This is a follow up series of sessions to carry on building a community of practice between local care homes.

This sessions are being facilitated by Jamie Learmont, who has facilitated previous care home ECHO sessions for the area. He has put together a programme that covers a broad range of topics with complexity that will lead to great learning moments for attendees and insightful discussions at the sessions.

Who is it for?

This ECHO is particularly aimed at Care Home social care staff, support staff and managers but we welcome the collaboration of nurses, managers and other allied professionals in the Dumfries and Galloway area.


Programme Details

29 October
1:30pm - 3:00pm


Presenter: Fiona Palmer, Community Diabetes Specialist Nurse

04 November
1:30pm - 3:00pm

Oral Health

Presenters: Shirley MacGrain and Shona Muir

06 November
1:30pm - 3:00pm

Infection Prevention and Control

Presenter: Donna Bernardi

15 November
1:30pm - 3:00pm

Seating and Posture

Presenter: Les Jones

Register to attend

Please fill out this form to register your interest in the upcoming meeting along with future Long COVID ECHO sessions.

If you have difficulties using this form, or you would like more information before you register, please contact us directly at info@echo.scot.

There is no charge for ECHOs - they are free to attend.

Please use your NHS or organisation email if possible
Company name or parent organisation that you work for
Your job role within your organisation
Postcode of your regular workplace
Share your account name to keep in touch with us @HHProjectECHO (optional)

Some of these programmes are suitable for different discplines and some are relevant to a particular field of practice. If you are unsure about whether it suits your needs, please contact us at echo@highlandhospice.org.uk

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