This ECHO will focus on complex issues around bereavement for children with content tailored for bereavement practitioners.
This ECHO will focus on complex issues around bereavement for children with content tailored for bereavement practitioners.
Louise Mainland is the Bereavement Services Manager at the Highland Hospice, she also supports the Grief Matters Group in Highland.
Louise Mainland is the Bereavement Services Manager at the Highland Hospice, she also supports the Grief Matters Group in Highland.
Bereavement and grief can often be challenging topics to manage, requiring a lot of consideration to be handled much of the time.
This ECHO aims to bring together a diverse range of people who all have to manage the complexities of grief and bereavement in their work. In doing so, we can share good practice and improve on how we manage often difficult conversations and topics.
This ECHO is aimed at anybody in a health care role who is interesting in and/or regularly involved with supporting children in bereavement and grief.
Please fill out this form to register your interest in the upcoming meeting along with future child bereavement ECHO sessions.
If you have difficulties using this form, or you would like more information before you register, please contact us directly at
There is no charge for ECHOs - they are free to attend.